A critical look at publishing in psychology with Dr Rachael Fox

A critical look at publishing in psychology with Dr Rachael Fox

In this episode I catch up with Dr Rachael Fox, journal editor and academic, to discuss what publishing in psychology is and take a critical lens to highlight some issues and barriers to publishing. 
We discuss:
·      critical and community psychological approaches to research
·      why people publish in psychology
·      common ways quality is thought about in psychological research and publishing
·      kinds of journals and how they are ranked
·      how research either about or conducted by certain groups of people can be excluded through mainstream publishing practices.
Dr Rachael Fox is Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology, Charles Sturt University, Australia. Rachael is Editor of the Australian Community Psychologist, an open access peer-reviewed journal. If you want to keep up to date with Rachael, you can reach out via her university profile page.
More info about the ideas covered in this episode
Cite this episode
MacDonald, J. B (Host). (2023, March 13). A critical look at publishing in psychology with Dr Rachael Fox (No. 14) [Audio podcast episode]. In Psych Attack. www.psychattack.com

Audio edit
The audio edit for this episode was completed by Amy Edwards. Dr Jasmine B. MacDonald did a final edit for content.
The transcript for this episode was developed using transcription software. There may be some errors in the content as I do not have capacity to review for accuracy.
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)